Friday, October 24, 2008

Mommy's Boys...

This is how they really are and below is the 1 second she had to catch them not being silly


Unknown said...

Oh my goodness... the little one looks just like you Michelle! They are so very adorable :)

Gottfredson said...

I've said this before, but I can't believe how fast your boys are growing!! I had to show Tim the picture of Jameson because he's changed so much! They're unquestionably adorable, but they look like a handful too. Did they inherit their father's silly ways?

TiffanyG said...

Adorable! I love the "real-time" pic and the "you-better-stop-being-silly and-smile-for-the-camera" pic :)

Karen said...

How freakin' cute. You are such a lucky Mama. You house is going to be crawling with girls when they get older.

Liz said...

Um, how cute are your boys?!?!?! Those pictures are absolutely precious. They are growing up WAY too quickly. Where is ?Christian's individual pic, though?

Paul and Shelly said...

His school picture is his individual one...

Liz said...

ROFL, I'm an idiot...Blame it on the thyroid. ;) Anyway, your boys are just too cute for words.