Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Parent Teacher Conferences...

We had our first official conference last night. It was AWESOME!! She had such great things to say about our little guy. Of course I already knew he was great but it is nice to hear that other people think so too. He had all out standings in all of his classes but he got an OUTSTANDING PLUS in his music class. I was excited to hear that. He is already above state level in his recognition of letters and numbers. She said that she hasn't seen a child with such enthusiasm to learn in a long time and thinks that he is going to do so well because of it. Side story, this last weekend he goes up to Paul and asks for some paper because he said that his "E's" needed practice. He sat down for like 30 minutes and over and over again wrote his E's down. Paul said it was the sweetest thing ever. Talk about dedication.

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